Healing on a Higher Level (Download)

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2014: The Year for Healing On a Higher Level

Downloadable Event with Esoteric Teacher and Medical Intuitive Carol Ritberger PhD

2013: The Year of the Soul presented us the opportunity to see ourselves, our relationships, and our lives from a different perspective–our soul's perspective. It was truly a big year in the progression of enlightenment, in the expansion of consciousness, in the heightening of spiritual awareness, and in affording us the occasion to learn about the natural order of things.

The year offered us the chance to discover the value of clarity and to realize all that we experience is a part of a continuum between thought and action. It showed us through our daily interactions and situations how unclear thoughts produced less than desirable outcomes even when we put significant effort into the manifestation process. It revealed how the soul only sees holism, not fragmentation and how everything is connected energetically so what affects one, affects the all. And, it made it possible for us to experience moments of deep connection with our spiritual nature so we could feel the calm, love, and joy that only the soul knows and feels.

2014: The Year of Healing on a Higher Level builds off the enlightenment momentum created in 2013, as it will bring forth the opportunities for us to become the architects of our lives and the healers that we're designed to be. When I asked the Celestial Helpers to offer insight into what Healing on a Higher Level means, here's what they shared:

There lies a dynamic living field transformational consciousness between the Heavens and Earth where all in matter is connected by invisible threads of thought. When one mindfully, meaning through intention and attention, enters into this field of consciousness it becomes possible for them to be healed of their earthly limitations, ill thoughts, and self-perceived imperfections. They're able to view their physicality from a holistic perspective and see their interactions with others as part of a grand scheme of spiritual evolution. They're able to experience the healing energy and love of the Divine Creator. Consequently, they experience healing on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically.

The reason such profound healing is possible is because this field of living consciousness holds within it the wisdom of the Eight Universal Principles of Healing that govern all that exists and determines the natural order and flow of things.

When a person isn't aware of these eight principles and lives their life out of alignment with them, then the flow of healing energy is obstructed and they'll find themselves mentally encumbered with ill thoughts and false beliefs. They'll feel emotionally disconnected from themselves and from others, and will experience profound feelings of loneliness and feel as if they've been forsaken and forgotten. They'll become overwhelmed and have difficulty coping with the challenges life places before them. They'll find themselves energetically and physically drained and unable to sustain good health. And, they'll find themselves consumed with disappointment and despair, and rather than experiencing the joyfulness of their soul, they'll find themselves enmeshed in dread and anxiety as they wait for the next bad thing in life to happen.

It's important to remember that the soul knows nothing of illness. It only knows of ill thought, which is the 1st Universal Principle of Healing – Mentalism. What this principle reveals is that what we experience in life and in our health is merely a reflection of the quality of our thoughts. If our thoughts are in the direction of good health then we experience good health. If our thoughts are clear and concise and focused on what we desire, then we manifest what we desire. Conversely, if our thoughts are lacking focus then we manifest confusion, and if we focus on our imperfections then we attract experiences and people who bring to our attention our imperfections.

Healing on a Higher Level simply means being aware of how you conduct your daily life and making sure that your thoughts, words, actions, and deeds are in alignment with the Eight Universal Principles of Healing and that your flow is in harmony with the natural order of things.

This downloadable event will build off the knowledge shared here by the Celestial Helpers. You will learn how to use the wisdom of the Eight Universal Principles of Healing to heal yourself; to reinvent yourself; to recreate the life you desire, and how use this wisdom to redirect your thoughts from frustration to manifestation.

Topics include:

  • The Seven Universal Principles and how to use them for healing
  • The Eighth Universal Principle known only to the Mystics
  • How the Mystics used the wisdom of this Eighth Principle to transform illness into good health
  • The connection between the Eight Principles and the Perennial Philosophy

If you're ready to take that next step in learning how to heal yourself on a higher level, then I invite you to download this enlightening, spiritually uplifting, and truly life-altering event.

Light & Love,

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