Living in the Present Moment (April 2015)(FREE DOWNLOAD)

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Product Description

One of the most difficult things for us to do as humans is to live consciously in the moment. Why? Because our mind is conditioned to live in the past, and to use the past to influence the decisions made for the future. So in reality, our mind only momentarily remains in the present moment for the purpose of gathering the information it needs. Then, once it gathers the information, it immediately goes to our memory banks and begins to dig up past memories that have relevancy with current information.

Technically, meaning neurologically, and physically we are always in the present moment. However, we're not always consciously aware of being in the moment, so we're not able to see all that the moment offers. Being in the present moment means being alert and aware of what's happening at that very moment in life, for it is within that moment that we get the chance to see the situation differently. It's at that moment we can see a new way of being, and we can see what's causing us to live the same old patterns.

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